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Should I use a query or a filter to search records?

It depends on how many records you want to search and whether they have been loaded into the store.

Queries are useful for doing searches of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of records. You just hand the search options to your server, and it is responsible for handing you back the list of records that match. Because the response from the server includes the ID of all of the records that matched, it doesn't matter if the store hadn't loaded them previously; it sees that they are not in the cache and can request the records by ID if necessary.

The downside of queries is that they do not live update, they are slower, and they require that your server support the kind of queries that you wish to perform.

Because the server decides which records match the query, not the store, queries do not live update. If you want to update them, you must manually call reload() and wait for the server to respond. If you create a new record on the client, it will not show up in the results until you both save the new record to the server and reload the query results.

Because the store must confer with your server to determine the results of a query, it necessitates a network request. This can feel slow to users, especially if they are on a slow connection or your server is slow to respond. The typical speed of JavaScript web applications can heighten the perceived slowness when the server must be consulted.

Lastly, performing queries requires collaboration between the store and your server. By default, Ember Data will send the search options that you pass as the body of an HTTP request to your server. If your server does not support requests in this format, you will need to either change your server to do so, or customize how queries are sent by creating a custom adapter.

Filters, on the other hand, perform a live search of all of the records in the store's cache. As soon as a new record is loaded into the store, the filter will check to see if the record matches, and if so, add it to the array of search results. If that array is displayed in a template, it will update automatically.

Filters also take into account newly created records that have not been saved, and records that have been modified but not yet saved. If you want records to show up in search results as soon as they are created or modified on the client, you should use a filter.

Keep in mind that records will not show up in a filter if the store doesn't know about them. You can ensure that a record is in the store by using the store's push() method.

There is also a limit to how many records you can reasonably keep in memory and search before you start hitting performance issues.

Finally, keep in mind that you can combine queries and filters to take advantage of their respective strengths and weaknesses. Remember that records returned by a query to the server are cached in the store. You can use this fact to perform a filter, passing it a query that starts matching records into the store, and a filter function that matches the same records.

This will offload searching all of the possible records to the server, while still creating a live updating list that includes records created and modified on the client.

App.PostsFavoritedRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {
    var store =;

    // Create a filter for all favorited posts that will be displayed in
    // the template. Any favorited posts that are already in the store
    // will be displayed immediately;
    // Kick off a query to the server for all posts that
    // the user has favorited. As results from the query are
    // returned from the server, they will also begin to appear.
    return store.filter('posts', { favorited: true }, function(post) {
      return post.get('isFavorited');